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Prep Services

We specialize in prep services tailored for clients selling across diverse platforms. For Amazon sellers, our offerings include FNSKU labeling, box labels, and direct shipment to Amazon. Our prep fees are based on the size and volume of the units, ensuring a cost-effective solution for your business needs.

Prep Services Pricing


Our comprehensive prep services are designed to meet your needs with a clear and structured pricing model. Below are the details of our costs for various prep services:


FNSKU Labeling:
- Over 1000 units: $0.35 per label
- 200-1000 units: $0.40 per label
- Less than 200 units: $0.50 per label


Box Labeling:
- Standard Rate: $1.00 per label


Material Fees:
- Small Box: $2.00
- Medium Box: $3.00
- Large Box: $4.00
- SPD Orders: Additional $1.00 per box
- New Pallet: $15.00
- Poly Bag (Small / Large): $0.50 / $0.75
- Bubble Wrap (12x12): $0.80
- Palletizing: $11.00
- Stretch Wrap per Pallet: $8.00


Storage Fees (Per Pallet):
- First Month: $40.00
- Each Additional Month: $50.00


We are dedicated to providing transparent and predictable pricing to ensure that you can plan and budget for your prep service needs effectively. If you have any questions or need further clarification on our pricing, please do not hesitate to contact our customer support team.


A Crane Lifting a Container


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